September 2019 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, September 11, 2019

Present: Iain MacLean, June Penhey, Kate Dreaver, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Mel Galletly, Pauline Morse, Nikky Winchester, Rachel Law (PCC), Stewart McKenzie (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC)
Community: Bill Jackson, Roger Watkins
Apologies: Jonathan Harker, Dale Williams (PCC), Rabeea Inayatullah, Peter Roach
Approval of previous minutes: moved Paul FitzGerald, seconded June Penhey, none opposed, carried.

Matters arising

Brian got one more calendar specially printed and sold for $22. He has spoken to 3 groups with regards to the 2020 calendar (the RSA, the community garden and the Hub) but none of them are interested in taking it on. The kindy are considering it at their board meeting this week.

Action: Iain to talk to Chris at the school again (later in the year) about the steps and boardwalk at the edge of the field near the dairy.


As at 1 September 2019:

Main account: $868.08
Fundraising: $1954.70

Motion: Pay Iain $48.00 for the flyers for the Council candidate meeting. Moved Brian, seconded Paul. None opposed, motion carried.


A letter was received from Companies Office.

PCC District Plan

There was a presentation by Stewart and Rachel from PCC, explaining the background to and structure of the district plan.

Village Planning Survey

Kate has been in contact with Robyn, who will see if she can get something from Civil Defence to use as a prize for completing the survey.

PCC Candidates Meeting

There are 21 candidates in total, and most of them have confirmed their intention to come to the meeting. Each will have 3 minutes to talk. Brian will chair, and Paul will give a brief explanation of the voting process. Karen has offered to do supper.

PCC update

No update was received this month.

Meeting ended: 9.45 pm
Next meeting: 8 October 2019