Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Present: Iain MacLean, June Penhey, Kate Dreaver, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Mel Galletly, Pauline Morse, Nikky Winchester, Jonathan Harker, Jenny Brash (GWRC), Mike Tana (PCC)
Community: Nathan Waddle & Josh Trlin (Northern Ward councillor election candidates), Peter Roach
Apologies: Dale Williams (PCC), Beverley Wakem (PCC), Rabeea Inayatullah
Committee member David Olsen died suddenly a couple of weeks ago. The RA acknowledged his contribution to the Committee and to the community. David originally came onto the committee two years ago to get action on trucks using their engine brakes within the village. His persistence resulted in more signage, and a greater awareness of the issue with roading authorities. He was a very helpful member of the committee and we will miss his practical contributions. We would like to extend our sympathy and condolences to Jenny and the rest of his family.
Approval of previous minutes: moved Paul FitzGerald, seconded Brian Sullivan, none opposed, carried.
Matters arising
Jon talked to his wife Rebecca about other options for indemnity insurance but was advised that we wouldn’t get a better deal elsewhere.
Iain investigated the option of paying the insurance monthly, but discovered that it is more expensive than paying one annual fee.
Jenny reported on the plan to look at the Plimmerton Farm development on a priority track (Streamlined Planning Process). GWRC will be insisting on a separate independent peer review on the impact it will have on the Plimmerton wetlands as well as on the developers’ plans for dealing with stormwater.
Paul noted that the Heritage Group also unveiled a bollard to Jack Scott on the Escarpment Track, as part of their events on 3 August.
Action: Iain to talk to Chris at the school again (later in the year) about the steps and boardwalk at the edge of the field near the dairy.
As at 1 August 2019:
Main account: $1581.96
Fundraising: $1954.54
Brian has Printshop accounts for printing the posters and flyers for the Heritage Group unveiling. Iain and Rob Oscroft to prepare grant application to Hutt Mana Charitable Trust for plants for the community garden.
Motion: Pay Brian $52.90. Moved Jon, seconded Kate. None opposed, motion carried.
Motion: Pay Aon $661.25 for public liability insurance. Moved Jon, seconded Kate. None opposed, motion carried.
No correspondence has been received.
Village Planning budget outcomes
The City Delivery Committee has approved the budget which is now going to Council for sign off next week. The RA had asked for $7000 for the community garden, but has been given $4000 for capital expenditure only. He Ara Pukerua got $15,000. The proposed drinking fountain for the skatepark got $20,000 including a water connection. The Hub project got $4,750.
Village Planning Survey
The draft survey has been put into Surveymonkey. Some print copies will be made available for people to complete.
Action: Kate to think about how to promote it.
Fundraising calendar
The fundraising calendar pays for the RA’s annual insurance and Kiwirail rights to access platform along Muri station. Brian tried asking people to submit photos of the village, but nobody has provided any. He is also thinking about selling tshirts and skink signs.
Action: Jon to put the photos from the last 2 calendars on the website, depending on the photo rights.
Action: Mel and Brian to talk about organizing the 2019 calendar.
PCC update
Luke Benner from the Roading Team is going to look at the improvements required on Ara Harakeke between the shops and the footbridge in a week or two, in the hope that the work can happen this year. The path will be at least 2m wide for most of it.
Re the footpath idea for Rawhiti Road, the new plan is to have a safer crossing at the intersection.
Action: Iain to speak to NZTA about the new roadship at the Wairaka Road/SH1 junction.
Mike advised the Committee to offer solutions, not problems, and use local councillors to promote the community’s needs through to Council. Village planning money is not to be used on work that the Council should be doing, it’s intended to be used for items that are above and beyond the Council’s portfolio. The RA needs to prioritise issues for the community. The city is growing faster than expected. The new Growth Strategy will help the Council to plan. There was some discussion about Transmission Gully and the impact on SH1 through the village.
Jenny explained that safety improvements were promised for SH58 before Transmission Gully opens, but NZTA have removed the funding. There was some discussion about the funding of 3 Waters. GWRC has recently set a carbon neutral target of 2030. The Natural Resources plan has been adopted and will be applied to the Plimmerton Farm development. The Pest Management Plan has also been adopted.
PCC Election: Candidate public meeting
The meeting will take place on Monday 16 Sept, probably starting at 7pm (if not then Monday 23 Sept). Brian will facilitate. Currently there are 5 candidates for GWRC, 4 for Mayor, and 9 for the Northern Ward. Nathan and Josh presented briefly to the Committee.
Website update
Jon explained the use of QR codes for the community garden. Mike suggested also using RFID chips.
Action: History Group to send information through to Jon so he can create QR codes for the Heritage Trail signs.
Meeting ended: 21.19 pm
Next meeting: 10 September 2019