July 2019 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Present: ​ Iain MacLean, June Penhey, Kate Dreaver, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Mel Galletly, Nikky Winchester, Jonathan Harker, Dale Williams (PCC)
Community: Roger Watkins
Apologies: Pauline Morse, David Olsen, Jenny Brash (GWRC)

Approval of previous minutes: ​ moved Brian Sullivan , seconded Paul FitzGerald, none opposed, carried.

Matters arising

Iain talked to the bank about getting online banking and was informed that we need to apply for “business banking online”. Brian’s complaint to BNZ resulted in a refund of the cost of June’s identity card as well as the overdraft charges, and an apology. Paul emailed the Mayor on behalf of the RA to support Pauline’s email about the Muri Road development. A new policy has been approved by the Hall board and Iain has drafted a joint statement. Jon has created a test QR code for one of the plants in the Community Garden.

Action: Iain to talk to Chris at the school again (later in the year) about the steps and boardwalk at the edge of the field near the dairy.


As at 1 July 2019:

Main account: $1615.56
Fundraising: $1954.36

Iain did some research into other options for public liability insurance. A condition of the license to use the Reserve as a garden is that we have to have this insurance.
Action: Iain to check if it would cost more to pay the insurance monthly rather than annually.

Action: Jonathan​ to research options with other insurance companies.
Action: Iain to look for the last application for a grant from PCC.


Paul received a reply to his email regarding the renaming of Raroa Reserve. PCC acknowledged receipt and will respond properly in a few weeks.

Village Planning Survey

Kate has prepared a draft of the survey, which was shared with the Committee for comment. There will be a print version available as well as the online version. The survey will be publicised via Facebook as well as a letterbox drop.

Action: Iain to prepare an online version on Survey Monkey.
Action: Kate​ to speak to Robin about sourcing a Civil Defence pack as a prize for completing the survey.
Action: Jon​ to work on website and other IT improvements for the RA, over the next 6 months.
Action: Jon​ to talk to the Heritage Group about creating QR codes for the Heritage Trail.

Plimmerton Farm development

The deadline for submissions is 10 July.

Action: Iain/Brian​ to complete a submission on behalf of the RA.

PCC update

Village planning budget allocations are currently being finalised and will go to the Council Committee for approval in August. There will be money provided to each of the bids from Pukerua Bay but they might not be the total amount asked for, for each request. Council has been working on a number of issues including Adventure Park, Plimmerton Farm and other proposed developments.

PCC Election: Candidate public meeting

It was agreed that the RA would organise a public meeting in late August, for all Northern Ward candidates.

Action: Iain​ to talk to the other Northern Ward RAs to see what meetings they are planning, to ensure there are no date clashes.

Village planning projects update

Paul reported that the old Muri Station building has been safely moved into the community garden. The storage container is also now in place. The Committee proposed a vote of thanks to Bill Inge for organising the move of the building, and to Pamela Meekings-Stewart for storing the building for several years. There will be a formal opening of the shed in the Spring.

The Heritage Group announced that the beach heritage marker will be formally unveiled on 10 August, followed by the bollard for the Pukerua Bay Surf Lifesaving Club at Brendan Bay. Everybody is invited.

Meeting ended: 2 ​ 1.05 pm
Next meeting: ​ 13 August 2019