April 2018 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Present: Iain MacLean, Pauline Morse, Beccy Davis, Jonathan Harker, June Penhey, Brian Sullivan, Kate Dreaver, Paul FitzGerald, Guy Marriage, David Olsen, Barbara Donaldson (GWRC). Community: Ashley Blair, Ian Gear, Yvonne Fletcher.

Apologies: Dale Williams (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC).

Approval of previous minutes: moved Paul, seconded Pauline, carried.

Matters Arising

Engine braking sign

David has managed to get hold of Aaron Hudson, a planner at NZTA. David has sent maps and sign mock-ups to get the engine braking sign done.

Muri Road safety improvements

Street lights are still not connected, it’s very dark now for cyclists and pedestrians at night.

Action: Iain to prioritise the lights as the most important item given the end of daylight saving. Jonathan move: 2nd Pauline

Village Plan get-together date

Meeting now to be held on 12 May.

Beach erosion

The works are inadequate and unfinished. Bank is still caving in, actions have not remediated the original problem. Pauline was asked by residents to reiterate concerns. Barbara to investigate regional planning for us.

Reserve renaming

Ashley to confirm wording, check with Ngāti Toa.




$3051.85 fundraising account

Kiwibank are happy to arrange banking with us. Brian and June to organise.


Latest Neighbourhood Support Group newsletter from SPC Simon Bygate.

Coroglen residents on proposed quarry

Presentation by Ian Gear. He has a background in primary industry and environmental issues, lives on Coroglen Rise, and has an easement across his land giving access for farming activity. This easement would be used to bring a giant drill onto a farm for the quarry. Monday morning last week he blocked driveway to prevent Webster Drilling access Carrad’s farm. Ian contacted PCC and GWRC, and on Monday afternoon representatives from both councils arrived to inspect the site. PCC compliance officer identified enough to issue an abatement notice. GWRC said that extraction and exploration is a permitted activity. The spring supplying water for domestic use has been affected. He has been visited by Fulton Hogan, the quarry manager from Horokiwi Quarry and Geotech engineer from Tonkin Taylor. The earthworks should not be visible from the road, according to the Fulton Hogan rep, but one of the test drilling sites was visible from the SH1. Residents have met and the issue is now a wide community concern.

There would be potential conflicts with the planned housing developments (part of PCC development strategy) south of Pukerua Bay, Hongoweka Marae/Ngati Toa.

Ashley: in 1962 an extraction company wanted to bulldoze a road around Pukerua Bay beach for rock extraction to be used for the Hutt motorway, but three local women stood out in the rain and stopped it.

The quarry action group wishes to thank PCC for their assistance and prompt action to issue the abatement notice. The group have a Facebook page1, and a petition has been organised via change.org2 with nearly 1500 signatures so far.

Submissions to PCC and GWRC long-term plan consultations

Greater Wellington Regional Council: Porirua City Council have argued they are paying too high a transport rate compared to other councils due to shortcomings in economic modelling. Revising these models should improve costs for flood protection and transportation. Porirua residents should submit in support of this change, to counteract a vote against it (from Hutt and Wairarapa) by choosing Option 1 in the GWRC Revenue and Financing Policy proposal. Three other main questions GWRC are asking for feedback on are: 1. long term for Capital Connection railway. 2. improve Wellington Regional Emergency Management Office, 3. support for the Water Wairarapa Project. Submissions by mail, or online at www.whatmatters.co.nz before 29 April.

Action: to submit as the RA, and encourage residents to engage in the process on our website and social media channels.

Porirua City Council: The long term plan emphasis is on infrastructure investment on old water, waste water, storm water systems. 5.25 % rates increase per year over 4 years. Paid parking options town. Strategic property purchases. Subsidised preschool bits, improved access to Titahi Bay. Second fenced dog park. Increased fees and charges to mitigate rates increase. submissions by mail or online at submissions.pcc.govt.nz by 23 April.

Action: Iain to draft a submission for GWRC and PCC plans and get RA member feedback over the next week. Please help Iain with helpful suggestions!

Porirua Council update and Village Plan report

Muri Road safety work (2016/17 year project)

PCC are continuing to work with Downer to ensure these items are completed as soon as practicable: Completing outstanding flax removal, connecting power to the two streetlights, re-grading the bank above and below the new pedestrian path (only partially completed to date), replacing a section of damaged concrete kerb, encouraging the natural spring on the bank to drain off the path on the corner (instead of over the track), and installing the outstanding ‘wash-over’ pad.

Muri Reserve way-finding signage (2016/17 year project)

Current plan includes installing signs in agreed locations through Muri Reserve, linking the end of the trail the end of Muri Road to Pukerua Bay Station. The information panel and map at Muri Road Station is not now required since Metlink amended the Pukerua Bay Station platform sign to include trail-related details. The sign design is underway by Pukerua Bay designer Jane Comben and we’d like to get your feedback (and that of the Te Araroa Trail Trust) before printing and installing the signs. We also look forward to sharing details of the final plans with the local community in due course.

Community garden (food forest)

The garden group need to decide how to make use of the $7,500 allocated by PCC before the end of June.

Heritage trail

Ngāti Toa have given approval for use of their logo on the heritage signage, so the final ‘artwork’ can now be completed. The ‘uncovering’ ceremony for the heritage bollards (with the Mayor) is scheduled for 10.00am on Saturday 19 May. This will include a community litter pick along the walkway. Kenepuru Engineers are manufacturing the stainless steel inserts for the large signs, and the skinks for all the signs. This and the four bollard signs will complete the current-year budget this project.

Ara Harakeke footpath from shops to Wairaka Road

As repair of the slip appears to be a lower priority for NZTA, PCC has engaged ENGEO (the Council’s engineers) to undertake geotechnical investigations and develop plans to stabilize and repair the affected area for consideration by PCC, NZTA and the community. We have emphasised the need for the shared pathway project to be accommodated at an early stage of the ENGEO design process.

Other matters

Pukerua Bay/Plimmerton/Hongoeka Quarry: Fulton Hogan and Horokiwi Quarries are currently looking at the viability of a quarry behind Coroglen Rise (towards the sea). To date a resource consent application has not been lodged for exploration or operation of a quarry in this area, and a sub-contractor who was undertaking exploration drilling has been served an Abatement Order to stop further drilling.

Long Term Plan consultation

Porirua City’s Long-term Plan consultation document has been released for community feedback. Copies of the consultation document are available at our city libraries and administration building, and also on our website.3 You can also give us your feedback online or by completing one of our hard copy submission forms that are included in the consultation document. Feedback closes on 23 April 2018. There will be three community workshops to discuss what’s in the consultation document:

  • Mana Cruising Club, 6-8pm, Monday 26 March

  • Porirua RSA, 6-8pm, Monday 9 April

  • Porirua Club, 6-8pm, Monday 16 April.

District Plan Review & engagement

Consultation on the review of Porirua’s District Plan ran for six weeks and finished on 24 November. In that time the District Planning team attended 19 events, including community meetings, hui, school fairs and markets. PCC received 197 formal submissions and more than 300 drawings from children and adults, who we encouraged to “make their mark’ on big photographs of the city, and lots of verbal feedback.

The ideas expressed included support for more diverse housing types, coastal walkways and parks, and cafes and shops around the city. There was an acceptance of the need to grow, but most people wanted less outward sprawl, more high density housing and more attention paid to improving the CBD and harbour health.

The feedback will go into a Draft District Plan for consultation around October 2018. PCC thanks the community groups that welcomed the team into their meetings and for the useful feedback provided.

He Ara Pukerua

A 2.4 kilometre public walk and talk will be held on the Ara Harakeke Trail, including an official opening of four information bollards and a renewed Taupo swamp sign by the Mayor Mike Tana. It will be on Saturday 19 May, from 10 am – 12 noon between Whenuatapu and the Plimmerton Z station.

Other Business

Hall working bee: For the interior to be painted, we need a working bee to prepare the walls including pulling out staples. Painters are organised to come and do the actual fun bit.

Bus shelter: When trains aren’t running there’s insufficient bus shelter for the bus replacements.

Action: RA to submit a bus shelter plan to GWRC, including potential reuse of the ex-Muri Station building, and include mural work to honour part of the NAP (Neighbourhood Accessibility Plan).

Meeting closed: 9.56 pm

Next meeting: 8 May 2018