June 2017 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Present: Iain MacLean, June Penhey, Brian Sullivan, Jonathan Harker, Paul FitzGerald, Rebecca Davis, Dale Williams (PCC).
Community: Peter Roach, Yvonne Fletcher.
Apologies: Jenny Brash (GWRC), Kate Dreaver, Pauline Morse.

Approval of previous minutes

No amendments

Motion: Adopt the minutes of the previous meeting. Moved Brian, seconded Beccy. Carried.

Matters arising from previous minutes

Hearing for the Pauatahanui shop liquor licence will be on Monday 26 June, should set the scene for the pending Pukerua Bay store decision.

Financial Report

Balance: $3,978.18

$1100 was deposited as a grant from the Porirua City Council Creative Communities fund, for the Ahu ki Pukerua Bay Charitable Trust to run the Matariki event (the trust did not have a bank account set up at the time).

Motion: to pay $1100 to the Ahu ki Pukerua Bay Charitable Trust from our account. Moved Paul, seconded Brian, carried.

Motion: pay Porirua City Council invoice for $1500 towards the Heritage Trail sign. Moved Paul, seconded Beccy, carried.


The footpath along SH1 between Weku Rd and Takutai Rd: notify PCC to fix up, then notify Tom.

PCC update

Heritage Trail
  • Completion of this project was celebrated with a well-attended opening on 27 May.

  • It is great that the PBRA is able to contribute up to $1,500 to this project and we’ll be in touch about this shortly.

Muri Rd safety work
  • At the community ‘walkovers’ on Thursday 11 and Saturday 13 May we explained the options to improve aspects of road and pedestrian safety along Muri Road. Feedback we received has helped us better understand what local residents value most about Muri Road and specific vegetation they would like to see protected and/or removed as part of the work.

  • We received 23 completed feedback forms and have now completed an assessment of residents’ preferences as follows:

    • Clear preference for new streetlights (in the proposed locations) and vegetation clearance around existing lights

    • Clear preference for the proposed gravel footpath and vegetation cutbacks for pedestrian access, and some soil cutback to create a pedestrian refuge (in the proposed locations)

    • Overall preference for the installation of white & red markers along the proposed footpath

    • Clear preference for the installation of a ‘slow’ or ‘shared’ zone with associated paint (markings) to denote either end of the zone, and white road edge markings through the zone

    • An overall preference for a ‘slow’ zone (12 votes to 9)

    • A clear preference to trim vegetation along and below the power lines as part of the current project, although there was no clear preference regarding the extent of the trim (1.5m versus 3m below the lines was equally favoured)

    • A clear preference for the removal of roadside vegetation (including flaxes) in the proposed locations.

  • It is great to see such clear preferences and the process to confirm most elements of the work should be quite straightforward. We are hopeful that Downers will be able to complete the pedestrian and road safety aspects of the work prior to the end of June and will confirm this with you, and local residents, as soon as it’s confirmed. We’ll talk to the PCC Roading team and Wellington Electricity separately about the timing of the power line vegetation cut. Given that half the respondents would prefer a more conservative 1.5m cut we may progress on that basis.

  • We understand a further feedback form has been received and will add this to the assessment table (once we receive it) before sending you a copy of the final version.

  • A big thank you to Pauline Morse for opening her home to attendees of the first walkover (which was rained out) and for collecting completed feedback forms.

Community Garden (access)
  • This project is now complete. All that remains is to paint yellow hatching at the road entrance point and to connect the water pipe supplying water to the garden to the City water main. This will be done shortly by Wellington Water.

Community Garden (food forest)
  • The work to improve the site has started. Access has now been created and the Parks team has flailed the long grass down to make initial cultivation easier.

  • We look forward to receiving your signed copies of the licence for the use of the land.

  • Confirmation that the $5M Public Liability insurance for Pukerua Bay Residents Association can be confirmed to meet the KiwiRail & Reserve use conditions. For this first year of community garden operation, the cost of insurance will be funded by the Council as a contribution to the success of the project.

Te Araroa way-finding signage
  • Te Araroa Trail Trust has asked for this project to be put on hold to allow time to consider whether Muri Road is a better main access instead of through the reserve.

  • We have recently obtained approval to carry forward the $5,000 budget to the next financial year on the understanding that the project will have started before the end of June. This will allow you and the Trust time to consider this following the pedestrian improvements in Muri Road.

Ara Harakeke Extension (from shops to Wairaka Rd footpath)

The project is on hold while we resolve how to address the slip affecting the SH1 footpath. NZTA in partnership with the Council is proposing to construct a retaining wall alongside the footpath, which would also require widening and resurfacing of the path (and might also affect the existing barrier). Work is expected to begin in the 2017/18 financial year.

Village Planning Project Bids for 2017/18

We recently received your priority project list for the 2017/18 financial year for consideration and approval by the Council’s newly-formed City Delivery Committee. We’ll be assessing project proposals in the coming weeks and will be in touch again in due course.

Other news

As a result of last night’s power outage in Pukerua Bay, a tree maintenance crew from Northpower will be trimming trees on the SH1 tonight (Tuesday 13 June) in the area from Te Ara Road to Weku Road. Be aware this work may be noisy for residents, but is essential to help prevent further outages. Further work may be required at a later date. Stop/go traffic management will take place from 8.30pm tonight.

Ara Harakeke Extension (from shops to Wairaka Rd footpath)

To start in July, meeting on Thursday to finish planning, including the required extra width for the Ara walkway. Armco barrier to extend to the end; and pending the community supported decision about the slip road (closed off, or not).

Wairaka Road SH1 garden weeding

We need to install the armco barrier so we can weed it.

Project updates

Muri Road community consultation: see VP update.

Heritage Trails group update: a meeting at the Pataka Museum was good for exploring local heritage, and planning the calendar to get some fundraising started. There’s a possibility of another sign for the Pou.

Community Garden update: 30 trees were planted, holly oak and supporting nursery trees (tagasaste and lavender). A meeting is required with neighbouring residents to explain the planned community garden.

Other business

Zoning discussion, planning with the track traffic, TG, and new subdivisions in mind. Do we need more commercial zoning for more shops?

Meeting finished: 9.20 pm.
Next meeting: Tuesday 11 July 2017.