July 2016 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, 12 July, 2016, 7:30pm

Present: committee members: Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, June Penhey, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Nick Vincent; Bronwyn Kropp (PCC), Justine McDermott (PCC), Anita Baker (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC), Phil Dyer (Whitby RA), Gary Simpson (Te Araroa).

Apologies: Jonathan Harker, Dagmar Pesendorfer (resigned).

Approval of previous minutes: Moved Pauline Morse, seconded Kate Dreaver.

Minor corrections: Euan and Pauline were not present.

Matters arising from previous minutes

Communication with NZTA to ask them to install a speed sign at southern entrance to Pukerua Bay. Iain has not been in touch with them.

Financial Report

Balance: $3,214.55. June will start proceedings for this year’s grant from PCC.



PCC Council Update

Community garden:

Bill Inge has been trying to get the written agreement on access. PCC’s 10-year license for use of reserve is in preparation.

Muri Road safety:

Bronwyn asked Wendy Walker (PCC CE) for clarification about what action officers will take, but has not yet had a response.

Justine reported on the outcome of the Annual plan process on Muri Rd safety. PCC will facilitate consultation with the community on issues of lighting, walkability and vehicle speed. Late last week she and Bill Inge met with roading team staff. They agree that the feedback from our recent survey should be analysed to get residents’ views. Bill is going through responses, and will get together with Geoff Marshall and roading staff to look at issues. Geoff and his team will develop a proposal addressing lighting, walkability and speed. PCC will consult with the community on this. They intend to do a mail drop on where things are at. Village planning funding will be used to facilitate the process, but not provide the funding for the roading works. Any solutions that come out of the community consultation can be added to the minor safety works list for consideration, and will be assessed against other projects in Porirua. Additional mowing will be incorporated into maintenance programme along Muri Road (4 x per year).

Te Araroa track issues

Gary Simpson: Te Araroa Trust has had lots of feedback about directional signage at the ends of the track not being clear. The preferred route was through Muri reserve and along Sea Vista Drive. Gary thinks many people are walking along Muri Road or SH1. They are finding people don’t know where the toilet is or where to park. They are having the same issues in Paekakariki. Two signs are now under construction, which will have information on routes and where the toilet should go. The Trust hadn’t anticipated the amount of usage the track is getting. In Paekakariki the Trust has pushed to specify parking at the station and a walking route along SH1. Kapiti Coast District Council is putting in a new track from the car park to the start of the track. The Trust is trying to get a track counter to record how people are actually walking the track.

Possible solutions: Put information on Trust website asking people to park at Pukerua Bay Station. Possibly install a sign at the end of Muri Road asking people not to park there.

The Trust and PKBRA could also consider a joint grant application for a toilet.

Regional Council

Jenny Brash: There will soon be more carriages on some evening peak Kapiti train services in response to an increased number of passengers. The new train provider is taking over, and GWRC is working towards an integrated ticketing system.

Poaching: Ask the Ministry of Fisheries to move the big sign at the car park so it is more prominent.

Green and Gold trails

Brian and Paul are picking up this work. Engaging with Margaret Blair and Tony Jackman and developing a project plan. Goal to have made a practical start by the start of the year. Have $1,500 in bank account for that and hope to have some through village planning and other grants. We have wood for the bollards.

Pest control — Halo project

Linda Kirkmeester and friends in Porirua have set up a pest control project and would like to join forces with us. They have been in contact with Ted Coates who wanted to set up a similar project. They have working bees to set up the traps. Their main focus is on protecting lizards and birds. They focus less on the urban environment and more on the wider area. Could also connect with the Friends of the Mana Island and their work on monitoring lizards. Ted suggests this could be done by a group of volunteers under our umbrella, but reasonably independent.

Action: Nick to contact Ted and discuss setting this up.

Brendan Beach toilets

PCC wants to know what should be put on the site on the demolished Brendan Beach toilet block. The committee suggested a seat and replacement toilet.

Hall committee

After School Care has been given a rent holiday having run into financial difficulties. This is temporary until they get onto a sustainable basis.

Committee membership

Dagmar Pesendorfer has resigned from the committee, having moved out of Pukerua Bay. We want to acknowledge her work for the committee and the community, and express our gratitude for her contribution to the Association over many years.

Meeting finished: 9.00 pm
Next meeting: Tuesday 9 August 2016