December 2015 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday 8 December 2015, 7:30pm

Present: Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Nick Vincent, Pauline Morse, June Penhey, Brian Sullivan, Jonathan Harker, Tim Sheppard (PCC).
Apologies: Dagmar Pesendorfer, Paul FitzGerald, Jenny Brash (GWRC), Bronwyn Kropp (PCC).

Approval of previous minutes: Moved Iain, seconded Pauline.

Matters arising from previous minutes

Civil Defence: Robyn to report back to us next meeting regarding Civil Defence.

Weeding bee: Paul at Fulton Hogan to arrange a NZTA gardening gang to do a gardening bee on 9am – 3pm, Monday 14 December. Anyone welcome to turn up and get a safety briefing and a hi-viz jacket. To announce and ask for any volunteers on Facebook PKB Trading page.

Financial Report

Balance: $3156.10


PCC: Land holdings review. Submissions open until 17 December. Site 30 Muri Intersection Reserve. The lot adds visual appeal to the street, will make a submission that council keep the lot and maintain its vegetation.

PCC update

SH1 roadside garden: Parks Manager Olivia Dovey suggests converting garden into a rockery that requires less maintenance. In the meantime, to deal with the immediate weed problems, Fulton Hogan will notify Iain when the road is to be closed so a community working bee can be held at the same time.

Community garden: PCC have reworked the agreement with KiwiRail and it is being reviewed by our Parks team. Once we have a final document we can agree to we will restart negotiations with KiwiRail for access to the community garden.

Footpath from shops to Wairaka Road: site survey is complete, cost estimate will be the basis for an application for NZTA subsidy and PCC roading funding. Once we have that we will discuss it with your committee as far as design, consultation and timing issues are concerned.

Muri Road footpath access under SH1: site meeting with a potential contractor and designer was held and their construction plan to be submitted to NZTA and KiwiRail for their sign off. Once we have this, the work can be tendered with possible construction in February/March 2016.

Muri Road lighting and speed issues: site meeting arranged for Friday 11 December with roading manager Geoff Marshall and VP manager Ian Barlow to discuss speed reduction options. Consultation letter to be delivered to Muri Rd residents once options are decided.

District Plan: discussion documents supplied, PCC welcome feedback from PKBRA.

Draft Annual Plan for 2016: long term plan, rates rises forecast. Proposals to cut back in places in order to reduce next year’s rates rise from 5% to 2.5%, to go in the draft annual plan. Keep an eye out.

PCC elections in 2016: There will be Northern Ward vacancies next year, applications welcome.

Muri Road safety works community consultation

Increase lighting, especially in winter. Lighting is generally dim. Draft questions. Pauline to meet at Muri Station 11am on Friday (11 December) to finalise consultation questions.

Other Business

Impeded pedestrian access on Muri Road: PKBRA to approach John Harold about concerns around the sign and gate.

Green & Gold Trails: Brian and Iain to discuss and progress.

Meeting finished: 8.45 pm
Next meeting: Tuesday 9 February 2016