June 2008 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, 10 June 2008, 7.30 pm

Present: Graham McLaughlin, Jack Fry, Pat Hanley (Chair), Tim Sheppard, Dagmar Pesendorfer, Gill England, Euon Murrell, Nick Leggett, Robyn Moore, Dene Wade
Apologies: Tim Bright, June Penhey, Ian Barlow

Minutes: accepted; Jack, Graham

Matters Arising: Notice Board for the dairy may be short term as lease expires in 2 months. Jack to construct a board 800×600. Will ask Anne Johnston to do some design on the notice board.

Financial Report: As for previous month.

Correspondence: Nil.

Transit New Zealand

Neighbourhood Accessibility Plan: Meeting scheduled for Thursday, 12 June with Sue Driver to finalise. Need to emphasise that Teihana Road is the number one issue – not apparent in the draft report.

Marine Protection

Nothing to report.

Village Planning

Skateboard bowl: Final plan to go on the web site.
Planning for south area of Ocean Parade: Gill to follow up with Ian and Linda Kerkmeester re. costing.

Civil Defence: Possible Red Cross training in First Aid open to the public.

Other Business

Question of advertising on the web site.
Should we consider membership fees as Plimmerton does? Discussion, but not agreed at this time.
Suggestion of a new member for the committee welcomed.
Quiz Night – 25 July – the Residents’ Association will enter a team.
Matariki walk very successful event.

Wind Farm: Submission received some cross-objections possibly based on wrong interpretation. More research on the separation distance, wich could range from 550m to 2km.

Meeting closed 9.00 pm.